AI Gender Initiative Portfolio: Promoting Gender and LGBT Equality through Artificial Intelligence

AI Gender Initiative Portfolio: Promoting Gender and LGBT Equality through Artificial Intelligence

The AI Gender Initiative at the Institute for Gender Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje, is dedicated to harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to advance gender equality and support the LGBT community. We offer comprehensive training programs on the use of AI bots to NGOs working in the field of gender and LGBT rights. Our initiative aims to empower activists and organizations with the necessary skills to leverage AI technologies effectively, enabling them to amplify their impact and counter anti-gender movements.

We have already developed three AI bots: our AI Platform for Gender Studies AI Platform for Gender Studies. Talk to the Artificial Intelligence about Gender Studies at the Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje UKIM, and gender topics, information and issues. AI Website of the Institute for Gender Studies, FZF, UKIM,

AI in support of women’s local activism RS and Action Zdruzenska in support of local women’s activism. UNION ACTION promotes the culture of gender equality and non-discrimination; promotes responsible, transparent and accountable governance in the field of gender equality and women’s rights; strengthens and supports women’s activism and builds capacity and intensifies public debates, dialogues and cooperation on issues related to gender equality and women’s rights. Association for the promotion of gender equality Action Zdruzenska – Skopje

AI Platform to Combat Digital Gender Based Violence This is the AI ​​Platform of the Institute for Gender Studies and the Civic Organization Stella to fight digital gender-based violence

AI Platform to Combat Digital Gender Based Violence This is the AI ​​Platform of the Institute for Gender Studies and the Civic Organization Stella to fight digital gender-based violence

Training Offerings

Our portfolio includes prompt engineering and bot creation training on popular platforms such as Zapier and Poe. We provide hands-on training sessions that equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to build, deploy, and manage AI bots tailored to the specific needs of NGOs focused on gender and LGBT equality. Our training programs cover a wide range of topics, including:

  1. Introduction to AI and its applications in the context of gender and LGBT equality.
  2. Overview of AI bot platforms and their capabilities.
  3. Bot creation and customization using Zapier and Poe.
  4. Data management and privacy considerations.
  5. Ethical considerations in deploying AI bots for social causes.
  6. Monitoring, evaluation, and iterative improvement of AI bots.

Target Audience

Our initiatives have primarily focused on training students and activists. However, we aim to expand our reach and impact by engaging with a broader range of stakeholders. Our target audience includes:

  1. NGOs working on gender and LGBT equality.
  2. Activists and advocates passionate about promoting gender and LGBT rights.
  3. Students and researchers interested in the intersection of AI and social justice.
  4. Policy-makers and government officials seeking to leverage AI for social impact.

Capabilities and Expertise

Our team consists of dedicated experts with a strong background in both gender studies and AI technologies. We bring together a unique blend of domain knowledge and technical expertise, enabling us to bridge the gap between academia, technology, and activism. Our capabilities include:

  1. In-depth understanding of gender and LGBT issues, enabling us to tailor AI solutions to specific challenges faced by NGOs in these areas.
  2. Proficiency in AI bot platforms such as Zapier and Poe, allowing us to provide comprehensive training and support.
  3. Experience in designing and conducting workshops, ensuring effective knowledge transfer and skill development.
  4. Strong networks within the gender and LGBT rights community, facilitating collaboration and partnerships.
  5. Expertise in ethical considerations related to AI deployment, ensuring responsible and inclusive use of technology.

Impact and Achievements

Since our inception, we have made significant strides in promoting gender and LGBT equality through AI. Our achievements include:

  1. Training a diverse group of students and activists, equipping them with the skills to develop AI bots for social causes.
  2. Collaborating with NGOs to develop and deploy AI bots that automate tasks, improve efficiency, and enhance outreach efforts.
  3. Empowering NGOs to collect and analyze data, enabling evidence-based decision-making and targeted interventions.
  4. Strengthening the capacity of NGOs to counter anti-gender movements through AI-driven campaigns and initiatives.
  5. Facilitating knowledge exchange and collaboration between AI experts and gender/LGBT rights activists.

Future Goals

Looking ahead, our initiative has ambitious goals to further advance gender and LGBT equality through AI technologies. Our future goals include:

  1. Scaling up our training efforts to reach a wider audience, including NGOs beyond our local region.
  2. Developing specialized workshops and resources tailored to the unique needs of different NGOs working on gender and LGBT rights.
  3. Establishing a mentoring network that connects AI experts with NGOs, providing ongoing guidance and support.
  4. Conducting research on the impact of AI in the field of gender and LGBT equality, contributing to the growing body of knowledge.
  5. Advocating for the responsible and inclusive use of AI in policy-making and decision-making processes related to gender and LGBT issues.

By pursuing these goals, we aim to foster a more inclusive and equitable society, where AI technologies are harnessed as powerful tools for social change and protection against anti-gender movements.

Contact Information

To learn more about our AI Initiative and explore potential collaborations, please contact us at:

  • Institute for Gender Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje
  • Goce Delchev Blvd. 9A , Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
  • Email:
  • Phone: 389 02 311 6520

We look forward to working together towards a more just and equal future.

8 responses to “AI Gender Initiative Portfolio: Promoting Gender and LGBT Equality through Artificial Intelligence”

  1. Avatar
    Стефан Тодоровски

    Идејата и концептот на унапредување и промовирање на родовата и еднаквоста на ЛГБТ луѓето е одлична и за поздрав. Единствена критика ќе упатам до самиот сајт чиј дизајн е неинтуитивен за корисниците. Настрана од тоа, AI водичот работи одлично и без никакви проблеми. Огромно браво за тимот кој работеше на ова.

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      Благодариме за поддршката.

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    Одличен концепт. Особено ме радува фактот дека се препознава доброто во вештачката интелигенција и истата умешно се користи. Браво за секој еден инволвиран во проектите од овој тип!

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    Иницијативата AI Gender Initiative е иновативна и многу значајна. Комбинацијата на AI и родова/ЛГБТ еднаквост нуди нови можности за активизмот и борбата против дискриминацијата. Фокусот на етичката употреба на AI е особено важен.


    Проширување на обуките на други AI платформи освен Zapier и Poe.
    Организирање редовни сесии за размена на искуства меѓу корисниците.
    Разгледување можности за меѓународна соработка со слични организации.

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      Ви благодариме Кристина. Би било убаво кога корисниците би посочиле кои платформи да ги користиме.

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    Димитар Мареноски

    Родовата еднаквост е многу важна.Сето тоа е за секој да добие фер шанса во секое поле од животот, без разлика кој е. Многу ми се допадна идејата за свет во кој секој ќе ја добие својата шанса да блесне. Веб сајтот е одлично сработен а и ботовите работаат одлично! Пофалби за секој член од тимот!

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