Изјава на благодарност/ A statement of thanks

Special Thanks to Founder & CEO Copula AI Deepak Subburam

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Deepak Subburam, the Founder & CEO of Copula AI for his unwavering support and dedication to our project. Without his guidance and expertise, this endeavor would have been significantly more challenging to accomplish.

Deepak Subburam holds B.S. and M.S. degrees from Stanford University. In the past decade, he has been innovating and training deep learning models, most recently at Deepgram Inc. He co-developed Deepgram’s next-gen core ASR model and is a co-author on the patent. Deepak also writes Autonomy, a monthly AI and philosophy substack.

Посебна благодарност до основачот и извршен директор Copula AI Deepak Subburam

Ја изразуваме нашата срдечна благодарност до Дипак Суббурам, основачот и извршен директор на Copula AI за неговата непоколеблива поддршка и посветеност на нашиот проект. Без неговото водство и стручност, овој потфат би бил значително поголем предизвик да се постигне.

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